Autobiography Rakymbayev Ayat Zhumashevich was born in 1977 in the village of Aktam, Uygur district, Almaty region. From 1984 to 1994 he studied at Aktam secondary school and received secondary education. In 1994, the Faculty of English KazSUIRWL named after Ablai Khan University and graduated in 1998. After graduation, he worked for English teachers at school № 143 in Almaty. In 2004 he graduated from KazNU named after al-Farabi with a degree in international law. 2005 to 2010 worked at the Military Institute of Foreign Languages at the Faculty of Course Training for Teachers of English. Received the rank of senior lieutenant. Since 2013 to 2017 he worked at Turan University at the Department of Kazakh and Foreign Languages. In 2014, he entered the magistracy of the Institute of Multilingual Education of KazNPU named after Abai and graduated in 2016. After graduation, he received a master's degree in pedagogical sciences. From 2017 to the present, he has been working at the University of KazNU named after Al-Farabi at the Faculty of Philology. Currently lives at the address: Almaty st. Tien-shan 17g. Married, wife - Rakymbaeva Makpal Kadirbekovna born in 1985. Works for kindergarten teachers № 146 in Almaty. Children, daughter - Zhumash Aikun Ayatkyzy, student.
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Высшее |
1998 |